
I was born in 1944 in Santa Rosa (La Pampa), Argentina. I'm a visual artist living and working in Buenos Aires. The documentary short "Ramón Rojas · Sueños de chozas" is my first film. Using different mediums (textiles, painting, photography, video, objects and installations, interventions in public space; etc.) my work deals with the individual and social body, the intimate, the home and urban life. I’m interested in places such as the home, the bed or the street, places that shelter intimacy and dreams. I studied Art History and Literature at Skidmore College, NY, (USA), I graduated as a certified English-Spanish translator from the Buenos Aires University, and designed my art career attending well known Argentine artists’ studios and art historians’ courses (Luis Negrotti, Enio Iommi, Elena Oliveras, Jorge López Anaya, Pablo Siquier, Viviana Blanco, Leila Tschopp and Jorge Macchi). I obtained, among others, the Grand Honorable Award, National Visual Arts Salon, Textiles, (2001), and the 1st Prize, Municipal Textile Salon (2007). I exhibit regularly in Argentina, and have been invited to show in Iceland, Poland, Chile, Hungary, Luxembourg, France, Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, and USA. I work in art not to say what I know but to understand what I want to say, my work is a process of learning.

María Rosa Andreotti
